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SSL Certificate - Fast Hosting Pro

SSL Certificate

Web Hosting with Free SSL Certificates

At FastHostingPro, we provide web hosting with complimentary SSL certificates, ensuring the encryption and protection of your website's data. Our hosting packages include unlimited free SSL to guarantee a secure online environment for your visitors.

The difference between our free SSL and paid certificates lies in the name only – both adhere to the PCI DSS standards, ensuring robust security for various websites. We renew all certificates automatically and at no extra cost, offering convenience and peace of mind to our users.

SSL Benefits and Industry Compliance

SSL's Crucial Role in Website Security

SSL/TLS certificates are essential for securing websites and protecting sensitive information exchanged between you and your visitors. Our SSL certificates utilize 256-bit encryption, the industry standard for data protection, ensuring a secure connection for all interactions.

For online businesses handling transactions and visitor credentials, compliance with PCI Security Standards is imperative. SSL protection is a requirement, and our certificates ensure that your website meets these standards, safeguarding both your visitors and your reputation.

Compliance with PCI DSS Standards

Trust Building and Google Ranking

Enabling SSL not only builds trust with your visitors but also positively impacts your Google ranking. The HTTPS prefix and padlock icon displayed on your website's URL signal security, potentially boosting your site's visibility on search results and attracting organic traffic.

  1. Establishing a Connection: SSL certificates provide a public and private key for secure connections. Browsers verify the website's identity using the public key.
  2. Data Encryption: Once verified, browsers generate symmetric keys, encrypt them with the public key, and send them to the server. The server decrypts the keys with its private key, establishing a secure connection for data transfer.
  3. Visual Indicators: Successful SSL installations result in visual indicators on the address bar, such as a padlock icon and an HTTPS prefix. Site owners can enhance trust by displaying a site seal, further ensuring a secure browsing experience.

How SSL Certificates Work